
Sunday, June 03, 2007

The March to Jerusalem

Today I completed the march to Jerusalem. The March to Jerusalem exists to raise money for the March of the Living. In the beginning, you register at a desk. Once you're done, the officials give you a passport. The passport isn't real; it's fake. There are many checkpoints (named after cities in Israel) along the way starting with Ben Gurion airport and ending with Jerusalem. At every checkpoint, volunteers stamp your passport. When you reach the end you are supposed to get a medal and a loot bag. There are a few things that bug me. This year, the organizers cut out the Town of Hampstead from the route. There are alot of people who can do more walking. When I completed the March, I only got my medal. When I asked them for a loot bag they said, "they've all been taken." I saw people who took shortcuts take loot bags. That's not fair! I did the whole March, but when I get to Jerusalem, they've been taken by people who cheated. it's like a ship. There should be enough lifeboats to carry all the passengers and crew. The officials of the March to Jerualem should be more fair.

1 comment:

  1. I love Loot Bags. They are way better than lifeboats!


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