Water as we all know helps with food drinking and agriculuture, But it can do the oposite and so much more, because of climate change extrem weather activity has happened that have distroyed many crops. Climate change have caused many climate catastrophies like hurricains will come more and more which will cause major disators all around the world. With the polar ice caps melting the water level will rise all around and flood many areas. We have to take action to ensure that the effects of climate change are as minimal as possible, and water is seen as the resource of health and life and not the resource of catastrophies and death.
"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children." A Liberal-supporting, environmentalist blog. We blog according to our opinions, not those of the party or government. Free speech must win and that's why we have this blog. The views of two Montrealers and a Libertarian.